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Gene Expression Literature Summary
Immunohistochemistry (section)
14.5 DPC

49 matching records from 49 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Map2  microtubule-associated protein 2   (Synonyms: G1-397-34, MAP-2, Mtap2, repro4)
Results  Reference
1J:310311 Braun SMG, Petrova R, Tang J, Krokhotin A, Miller EL, Tang Y, Panagiotakos G, Crabtree GR, BAF subunit switching regulates chromatin accessibility to control cell cycle exit in the developing mammalian cortex. Genes Dev. 2021 Mar 1;35(5-6):335-353
1J:335231 Bustamante-Barrientos FA, Mendez-Ruette M, Molina L, Koning T, Ehrenfeld P, Gonzalez CB, Wyneken U, Henzi R, Batiz LF, Alpha-SNAP (M105I) mutation promotes neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells through overactivation of AMPK. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023;11:1061777
1J:256509 Chang WH, Choi SH, Moon BS, Cai M, Lyu J, Bai J, Gao F, Hajjali I, Zhao Z, Campbell DB, Weiner LP, Lu W, Smek1/2 is a nuclear chaperone and cofactor for cleaved Wnt receptor Ryk, regulating cortical neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Dec 12;114(50):E10717-E10725
1J:173924 Chatzi C, Brade T, Duester G, Retinoic acid functions as a key GABAergic differentiation signal in the basal ganglia. PLoS Biol. 2011 Apr;9(4):e1000609
1J:121077 Colombo E, Collombat P, Colasante G, Bianchi M, Long J, Mansouri A, Rubenstein JL, Broccoli V, Inactivation of Arx, the murine ortholog of the X-linked lissencephaly with ambiguous genitalia gene, leads to severe disorganization of the ventral telencephalon with impaired neuronal migration and differentiation. J Neurosci. 2007 Apr 25;27(17):4786-98
1*J:74080 Del Rio JA, Martinez A, Auladell C, Soriano E, Developmental history of the subplate and developing white matter in the murine neocortex. Neuronal organization and relationship with the main afferent systems at embryonic and perinatal stages. Cereb Cortex. 2000 Aug;10(8):784-801
1J:206142 Delgado-Esteban M, Garcia-Higuera I, Maestre C, Moreno S, Almeida A, APC/C-Cdh1 coordinates neurogenesis and cortical size during development. Nat Commun. 2013;4:2879
1J:99355 Depaepe V, Suarez-Gonzalez N, Dufour A, Passante L, Gorski JA, Jones KR, Ledent C, Vanderhaeghen P, Ephrin signalling controls brain size by regulating apoptosis of neural progenitors. Nature. 2005 Jun 30;435(7046):1244-50
1J:306056 Doyle DZ, Lam MM, Qalieh A, Qalieh Y, Sorel A, Funk OH, Kwan KY, Chromatin remodeler Arid1a regulates subplate neuron identity and wiring of cortical connectivity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 May 25;118(21):e2100686118
1J:113144 Fitzgerald DP, Cole SJ, Hammond A, Seaman C, Cooper HM, Characterization of neogenin-expressing neural progenitor populations and migrating neuroblasts in the embryonic mouse forebrain. Neuroscience. 2006 Oct 27;142(3):703-16
1*J:136720 Friedrichs M, Larralde O, Skutella T, Theil T, Lamination of the cerebral cortex is disturbed in Gli3 mutant mice. Dev Biol. 2008 Jun 1;318(1):203-14
1J:87404 Hanashima C, Li SC, Shen L, Lai E, Fishell G, Foxg1 suppresses early cortical cell fate. Science. 2004 Jan 2;303(5654):56-9
1J:315755 Hancock ML, Nowakowski DW, Role LW, Talmage DA, Flanagan JG, Type III neuregulin 1 regulates pathfinding of sensory axons in the developing spinal cord and periphery. Development. 2011 Nov;138(22):4887-98
1J:236559 Hasegawa K, Yasuda T, Shiraishi C, Fujiwara K, Przedborski S, Mochizuki H, Yoshikawa K, Promotion of mitochondrial biogenesis by necdin protects neurons against mitochondrial insults. Nat Commun. 2016 Mar 14;7:10943
1J:287499 Hattori Y, Naito Y, Tsugawa Y, Nonaka S, Wake H, Nagasawa T, Kawaguchi A, Miyata T, Transient microglial absence assists postmigratory cortical neurons in proper differentiation. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 2;11(1):1631
1*J:96234 Inglis-Broadgate SL, Thomson RE, Pellicano F, Tartaglia MA, Pontikis CC, Cooper JD, Iwata T, FGFR3 regulates brain size by controlling progenitor cell proliferation and apoptosis during embryonic development. Dev Biol. 2005 Mar 1;279(1):73-85
1J:65417 Jepsen K, Hermanson O, Onami TM, Gleiberman AS, Lunyak V, McEvilly RJ, Kurokawa R, Kumar V, Liu F, Seto E, Hedrick SM, Mandel G, Glass CK, Rose DW, Rosenfeld MG, Combinatorial roles of the nuclear receptor corepressor in transcription and development. Cell. 2000 Sep 15;102(6):753-63
1J:314290 Kanemitsu Y, Fujitani M, Fujita Y, Zhang S, Su YQ, Kawahara Y, Yamashita T, The RNA-binding protein MARF1 promotes cortical neurogenesis through its RNase activity domain. Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 25;7(1):1155
1J:104524 Kele J, Simplicio N, Ferri AL, Mira H, Guillemot F, Arenas E, Ang SL, Neurogenin 2 is required for the development of ventral midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Development. 2006 Feb;133(3):495-505
1*J:20160 Kurtz A, Zimmer A, Schnutgen F, Bruning G, Spener F, Muller T, The expression pattern of a novel gene encoding brain-fatty acid binding protein correlates with neuronal and glial cell development. Development. 1994 Sep;120(9):2637-49
1J:141130 Kwan KY, Lam MM, Krsnik Z, Kawasawa YI, Lefebvre V, Sestan N, SOX5 postmitotically regulates migration, postmigratory differentiation, and projections of subplate and deep-layer neocortical neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Oct 14;105(41):16021-6
1*J:200247 Lee HC, Inoue T, Sasaki J, Kubo T, Matsuda S, Nakasaki Y, Hattori M, Tanaka F, Udagawa O, Kono N, Itoh T, Ogiso H, Taguchi R, Arita M, Sasaki T, Arai H, LPIAT1 regulates arachidonic acid content in phosphatidylinositol and is required for cortical lamination in mice. Mol Biol Cell. 2012 Dec;23(24):4689-700
1J:317376 Lin CW, Liu HY, Chen CY, Hsueh YP, Neuronally-expressed Sarm1 regulates expression of inflammatory and antiviral cytokines in brains. Innate Immun. 2014 Feb;20(2):161-72
1J:231963 Matsumoto S, Banine F, Feistel K, Foster S, Xing R, Struve J, Sherman LS, Brg1 directly regulates Olig2 transcription and is required for oligodendrocyte progenitor cell specification. Dev Biol. 2016 May 15;413(2):173-87
1J:34807 Miyata T, Nakajima K, Aruga J, Takahashi S, Ikenaka K, Mikoshiba K, Ogawa M, Distribution of a reeler gene-related antigen in the developing cerebellum: an immunohistochemical study with an allogeneic antibody CR-50 on normal and reeler mice. J Comp Neurol. 1996 Aug 19;372(2):215-28
1J:260004 Moon BS, Bai J, Cai M, Liu C, Shi J, Lu W, Kruppel-like factor 4-dependent Staufen1-mediated mRNA decay regulates cortical neurogenesis. Nat Commun. 2018 Jan 26;9(1):401
1J:335191 Munz M, Bharioke A, Kosche G, Moreno-Juan V, Brignall A, Rodrigues TM, Graff-Meyer A, Ulmer T, Haeuselmann S, Pavlinic D, Ledergerber N, Gross-Scherf B, Rozsa B, Krol J, Picelli S, Cowan CS, Roska B, Pyramidal neurons form active, transient, multilayered circuits perturbed by autism-associated mutations at the inception of neocortex. Cell. 2023 Apr 27;186(9):1930-1949.e31
1J:250180 Nakagawa N, Yagi H, Kato K, Takematsu H, Oka S, Ectopic clustering of Cajal-Retzius and subplate cells is an initial pathological feature in Pomgnt2-knockout mice, a model of dystroglycanopathy. Sci Rep. 2015 Jun 10;5:11163
1J:59183 Nakamura Y, Sakakibara Si, Miyata T, Ogawa M, Shimazaki T, Weiss S, Kageyama R, Okano H, The bHLH gene hes1 as a repressor of the neuronal commitment of CNS stem cells. J Neurosci. 2000 Jan 1;20(1):283-93
1J:165035 Niklasson M, Bergstrom T, Zhang XQ, Gustafsdottir SM, Sjogren M, Edqvist PH, Vennstrom B, Forsberg M, Forsberg-Nilsson K, Enlarged lateral ventricles and aberrant behavior in mice overexpressing PDGF-B in embryonic neural stem cells. Exp Cell Res. 2010 Oct 15;316(17):2779-89
1*J:25502 Ogawa M, Miyata T, Nakajima K, Yagyu K, Seike M, Ikenaka K, Yamamoto H, Mikoshiba K, The reeler gene-associated antigen on Cajal-Retzius neurons is a crucial molecule for laminar organization of cortical neurons. Neuron. 1995 MAY;14(5):899-912
1*J:180596 Ohyama K, Yasuda K, Onga K, Kakizuka A, Mori N, Spatio-temporal expression pattern of the NatB complex, Nat5/Mdm20 in the developing mouse brain: Implications for co-operative versus non-co-operative actions of Mdm20 and Nat5. Gene Expr Patterns. 2012 Jan;12(1-2):36-45
1J:339856 Ovadia S, Cui G, Elkon R, Cohen-Gulkar M, Zuk-Bar N, Tuoc T, Jing N, Ashery-Padan R, SWI/SNF complexes are required for retinal pigmented epithelium differentiation and for the inhibition of cell proliferation and neural differentiation programs. Development. 2023 Aug 15;150(16)
1J:39370 Ozaki S, Snider WD, Initial trajectories of sensory axons toward laminar targets in the developing mouse spinal cord. J Comp Neurol. 1997 Apr 7;380(2):215-29
1J:187391 Pacal M, Bremner R, Mapping differentiation kinetics in the mouse retina reveals an extensive period of cell cycle protein expression in post-mitotic newborn neurons. Dev Dyn. 2012 Oct;241(10):1525-44
1J:178712 Postiglione MP, Juschke C, Xie Y, Haas GA, Charalambous C, Knoblich JA, Mouse inscuteable induces apical-basal spindle orientation to facilitate intermediate progenitor generation in the developing neocortex. Neuron. 2011 Oct 20;72(2):269-84
1J:276190 Rebellato P, Kaczynska D, Kanatani S, Rayyes IA, Zhang S, Villaescusa C, Falk A, Arenas E, Hermanson O, Louhivuori L, Uhlen P, The T-type Ca(2+) Channel Cav3.2 Regulates Differentiation of Neural Progenitor Cells during Cortical Development via Caspase-3. Neuroscience. 2019 Mar 15;402:78-89
1J:109774 Roy K, Kuznicki K, Wu Q, Sun Z, Bock D, Schutz G, Vranich N, Monaghan AP, The Tlx gene regulates the timing of neurogenesis in the cortex. J Neurosci. 2004 Sep 22;24(38):8333-45
1J:112136 Sakaguchi T, Nishimoto M, Miyagi S, Iwama A, Morita Y, Iwamori N, Nakauchi H, Kiyonari H, Muramatsu M, Okuda A, Putative 'stemness' gene jam-B is not required for maintenance of stem cell state in embryonic, neural, or hematopoietic stem cells. Mol Cell Biol. 2006 Sep;26(17):6557-70
1J:183605 Sakai D, Dixon J, Dixon MJ, Trainor PA, Mammalian neurogenesis requires Treacle-Plk1 for precise control of spindle orientation, mitotic progression, and maintenance of neural progenitor cells. PLoS Genet. 2012 Mar;8(3):e1002566
1*J:72036 Sakakibara S, Nakamura Y, Satoh H, Okano H, Rna-binding protein Musashi2: developmentally regulated expression in neural precursor cells and subpopulations of neurons in mammalian CNS. J Neurosci. 2001 Oct 15;21(20):8091-107
1J:224205 Segklia A, Seuntjens E, Elkouris M, Tsalavos S, Stappers E, Mitsiadis TA, Huylebroeck D, Remboutsika E, Graf D, Bmp7 regulates the survival, proliferation, and neurogenic properties of neural progenitor cells during corticogenesis in the mouse. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e34088
1J:74020 Soriano E, Del Rio JA, Martinez A, Super H, Organization of the embryonic and early postnatal murine hippocampus. I. Immunocytochemical characterization of neuronal populations in the subplate and marginal zone. J Comp Neurol. 1994 Apr 22;342(4):571-95
1J:103594 Theil T, Gli3 is required for the specification and differentiation of preplate neurons. Dev Biol. 2005 Oct 15;286(2):559-71
1J:309494 Velazquez FN, Prucca CG, Etienne O, D'Astolfo DS, Silvestre DC, Boussin FD, Caputto BL, Brain development is impaired in c-fos -/- mice. Oncotarget. 2015 Jul 10;6(19):16883-901
1*J:137018 Voss AK, Britto JM, Dixon MP, Sheikh BN, Collin C, Tan SS, Thomas T, C3G regulates cortical neuron migration, preplate splitting and radial glial cell attachment. Development. 2008 Jun;135(12):2139-49
1J:159849 Wang Y, Dye CA, Sohal V, Long JE, Estrada RC, Roztocil T, Lufkin T, Deisseroth K, Baraban SC, Rubenstein JL, Dlx5 and Dlx6 regulate the development of parvalbumin-expressing cortical interneurons. J Neurosci. 2010 Apr 14;30(15):5334-45
1J:84137 Wu D, Tadano M, Edamatsu H, Masago-Toda M, Yamawaki-Kataoka Y, Terashima T, Mizoguchi A, Minami Y, Satoh T, Kataoka T, Neuronal lineage-specific induction of phospholipase Cepsilon expression in the developing mouse brain. Eur J Neurosci. 2003 Apr;17(8):1571-80
1J:184434 Xiang C, Baubet V, Pal S, Holderbaum L, Tatard V, Jiang P, Davuluri RV, Dahmane N, RP58/ZNF238 directly modulates proneurogenic gene levels and is required for neuronal differentiation and brain expansion. Cell Death Differ. 2012 Apr;19(4):692-702

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